Design Reviews

Design Reviews

Design Reviews featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



The project was designed to create engaging photographs of selected AMG Mercedes Benz models within time restrictions and confined non-studio-like location with the goal of emphasizing car design, aesthetics and functional features using lighting and framing as creative photography tools. Being time effective while saving impeccable image look and quality was a first level priority for the photographer and his team. Refined lighting skills combined with high end professional tools have been essential assets for the final outcome delivering some 30 eye catching images in only 2 shooting days.

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Haezer is known for his solid bass sound, epic breaks with well polished effects. Its the sort of sound that comes off as just straight forward dance music, but on closer inspection or listening you’ll start to discover multiple layers of frequencies within the finished product. For the creative concept and execution the challenge was to simulate the audio experience known as Haezer. The artwork style is not at all the typical dance music style, thus making Haezer a genre of his own.

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Singularity is a series of urban buildings Florian W. Mueller collected with his photographic eye from around the world, where the neighbour-buildings, the urban environment is deleted. It's just the building and the sky. Like a sculpture on a pedestal in a clean gallery or museum. The artist isolated the buildings from their thrumming urban environments and put them on a blue-sky pedestal.

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House of Escher

As a photographer, mainly working as an artist, I am looking for the the unusual to take the ordinary from reality. This minimal and beautiful staircase is inside the "Service Center for Students" at University of Cologne, designed by Schuster Architects. This is a very good example for my work: I am looking for the right angles to create pictures where the beholder stops and asks "What is ist? Where is it?". The mind-bending angles of the staircase, evoking the quetsions above, reminded me strongly of the surrealistic drawings by MC Escher, therefore the title.

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Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business is a series of 3D holographic portraits have been created as 3D holographic lenticulars to create awareness of the high rates of disability in the Australian Aboriginal community and the complexity of the political and social history which impacts on the lives of all Australians. The exhibition has an app for people with sensory, cognitive and learning impairments which enables inclusive engagement of the project. The exhibition was shown at the United Nations in Geneva in 2013 and United Nations New York in 2014 and is now touring nationally.

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Shining Passion

This shot Japanese fireworks' sparks remain in the night sky.It isn't always the same shape, depending on the wind on the day of launch.Fireworks with the fire original color were taken.As a result, it is finished in the photograph like Japanese lacquerware with gold leaf.This is also an artificial moment that the photographer predicted and calculated the composition how fireworks will rise, and a little coincidence or God's playfulness is also added.

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