Design Reviews

Design Reviews

Design Reviews featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



This is an artistic project that explores the importance of ecological and environmental preservation matters. Light in darkness creates a unique intimate maritime atmosphere, where light represents life and darkness is death. The artist expresses a relation with the situation of the oceans. The increasing pollution will bring death. She achieves a dramatic image using a natural real expression and the message should impact strongly the observer.

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The site is at the Keihin Industrial region in the outskirt of Tokyo. Smoke billowing consistently from chimneys of heavy industrial factories may depict a negative image such as pollution and materialism. However, the photographs have focused on the different aspects of the factories portraying on its functional beauty. During the day, pipes and structures create geometric patterns with lines and textures and scale on weathered facilities creates an air of dignity. At night, the facilities change to a mysterious cosmic fortress that of sci-fi films in the 80's.

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Accents And Form

Every photographer has personal features and unique style of shooting. Everyone has strong and weak sides.I want to share with you my passion and inspiration of creation.Graphics in photography is both complicated and simple at the same time. So my way is to create pictures which are seemed quite simple but it`s not!This collection shows very simple picture which is composed from simple forms: round, square, triangle and colorful features. Mainly shape and colors are the basics which express and

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To demonstrate different departments of the hardware store Didyk Pictures came up with the idea to present them as several plates with different hardware objects on top of them, served in a restaurant manner. White background and white dishes help to accentuate the served objects and make it easier for store visitors to find a certain department. The images were also used on 6x3 meter billboards and posters in public transport all over Estonia. A white background and a simple composition allow this ad message to be perceived even by a person in a passing by car.

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Mother Earth

Mother Earth is a reflection of reality, according to Naseer vision. As a portrait photographer, he decided to capture Planet earth as a human being, who's being sick as a result of pollution. Naseer carefully choose the elements for the make up to represent planet earth in a human form. Naseer tries to show through Planet Earth photograph how planet earth would looks like and feel if it has a human form.

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The concept of the posters related to Problue brand essence as diving and live. The transition process of clothes in style and diving suit on the same model emphasized the merge of diving and live. As the brand colors, gray blue was applied to gentlemen for elegance and the red was to the lady for charming. The camouflage fins emphasized the fact urban life was as full of movement as in nature. Different contrast were made on purpose to enhance visual experience, for example, fast and still, daily wear and diving suit, smooth and sharp, hero look and elegance.

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Design interview of the day

Read the latest interviews and conversations on design, creativity and innovation between design journalist and world-famous designers, artists and architects. See latest design projects and award-winning designs by famous designers, artists, architects and innovators. Discover new insights on creativity, innovation, arts, design and architecture. Learn about design processes of great designers.

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